The Second Attempt of Kidney Transplant Brought Back Many Smiles

Successful kidney transplant surgery in India

Augustina was a young girl, from Ukrain who loved to help her family in the kitchen by preparing fresh food for customers as they arrive in their family’s restaurant. Everyday family in the restaurant could start their dinner in dining area for a quick bite before customers arrive. Family chat together about plans for the future and increasing the family business of the restaurant.

Augustina was about to finish her last semester of college and get her business degree. But few things started changing in her body. She had her first kidney transplant surgery when she was 15, which began to fail. She started becoming weak, and her parents were frightened for their daughter’s life.

“I was worried and thought that my life could end, I never thought that the kidney would start to fail as it was a successful surgical transplant.” Said Augustina. “It was hard for us, my family even thought that they would not have another day with me.” She continued.

As Augustina had kidney failure; family did not want to take any risk so they started to find better options that would help her in the long run. So they interacted with as many friends and family members as they could.

The second attempt of kidney transplant brought back many smiles

“One of the friends of Augustina’s father had his kidney transplant surgery in India and he is still fit. They thought to go with his suggestion of India organ transplant, they filled the free consultation form and waited for the response. Within 24 hours they got a call from India organ transplant group, where they interacted with consultants who made family talk with the best doctors in India where they told the family that Augustina would require another kidney transplant surgery.”

The family believed that there was no chance she would receive a second kidney transplant but interacting with the experts for kidney transplant surgery made them have a ray of hope that their daughter could be alive.

They reached for kidney transplant surgery in India and drove with the members of India organ transplants to the hotel they booked for the family. The next day they drove to transplant center where the surgery would take place. Doctors had Augustina’s checkups, they discussed dialysis again and what to do if worst happened. In just few hours her kidney transplant was arranged right then and there. On another day Augustina had a successful kidney transplant surgery in India.

“The kidney transplant surgery was successful, and Augustina is out of danger. We hope that this second kidney transplant would be safer and healthy, and Augustina would continue her dreams and her studies.” Said Augustina’s father.

Today Augustina is healthy and back with her management studies, helping her family in restaurant. Augustina wants to put her degree to good use and want to help the family business to grow further. Every family member is thrilled to have her back, they enjoyed her returning back with party with every family member and Augustina’s friends. The friend who suggested Augustina’s father for surgery in India was also invited.

About India organ transplant

India organ transplant is a pioneer in connecting the top hospitals and surgeons that help patients get affordable treatment with the advanced technologies that can help patients to get the best treatment for themself. With the success rate of kidney transplants in India, tourism is increasing every year by 40%. India organ transplant helps international patients with tourism, medical visas, accommodation facilities, international packages, insurance, pick and drop facility from the airport.

If you want to know more about India organ transplant then click on the link below that will direct you to India’s most renowned surgeons and hospitals with all the information that will give you to have the best kidney transplant surgery in India. Visit: For prior appointment call: +91-9765025331 OR Email:


Amazing Story of an Organ Donor Chain- A Wife Save His Husband’s Life by Non-Identical Organ Swap

medical tourism in India

Halfway across the country, in Scotland, Oliver Morison required a kidney in the worst way. After receiving a diagnosis of diabetes-related renal diseases in his mid-40s, he had encountered bloating, burning and dismal tedium of dialysis for almost a year. With no person in his family was willing or capable of giving him a kidney, his doctors warned that it would take 5 years to move slowly up the waiting list for an organ from a deceased donor.

“It was like being sentenced to jail,” Oliver recalled, “like I had done something wrong in my life and this was the outcome.” That’s when his wife Isla came up with a different plan. She instigated the sector’s first paired change of various organs between dwelling donors, swapping half her liver for someone else’s kidney. She made a research on it on Google and got in touch with India organ transplant, after talking to the case manager that saw the idea’s potential.

When Isla turned into looking into such chains, she came throughout research describing the concept of trading a kidney with the only other organ typically taken from a living donor – the liver. People can donate up to 60 in line with cent of this organ. The liver is one of the few organs that could regenerate, so the donor ultimately regrows a complete-sized liver, as does the recipient. We were been immediately requested to come to India, and Isla was assessed and judged to be in proper health to donate a part of her liver. Top hospital in India drew up a plan: Isla would donate a liver to another patient from US Elijah and in return, he would give his kidney to Oliver.

Amazing Story of an Organ Donor Chain A Wife Save His Husband’s Life by Non-Identical Organ Swap

The proposal was reviewed by the medical institution’s head of ethics, and the would-be donors had been given the same health assessments. Most organ transplants come from people who’ve died however there are never enough organs for folks who want them. As most of the people can get with just one in all their kidneys, people with kidney failure are an increasing number of receiving donated organs from relatives or friends.

Before the surgery could take place the pairs of donors and recipients had been matched with the help of a computer software program evolved via a kidney transplant recipient, the team of top kidney transplant surgeons in India gave the go-ahead and the four operations took place on the same day. The procedures will involve a group of five surgeons, anesthesiologists, physicians’ assistants, nurses and dozens of support staff. In fact one of the obstacles that had to overcome was having enough of surgical instruments to do all of them on the same time.

The team hopes that the ground-breaking case will inspire more people to consider doing the same. Oliver says that direct swaps involving two donors could enable up to 30 extra living-donor liver transplants a year– a 10% increase. For Isla that could be very welcome. “I set out to try this for my husband and that I’m happy that during the procedure I was able to assist other people too. I hope to set a precedent.” Oliver and Isla, is doing great. Oliver and Elijah takes twice-daily anti-rejection medication gets monthly lab tests and has regular follow-up visits in India every 6 months to check their progress.

This case was a dramatic instance of how speedy a person can go from flawlessly younger and healthy to being on death’s door knocking loudly, and it additionally speaks to the miracle that is modern transplantation, and how structured it still is on the generosity of others in times of pressure and grief when they comply with organ donation in their loved one. And India organ transplant had been by their side all through the process.

To book an appointment, call at +91 9765025331 OR email on

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18 years girl Cara has a Successful Bone Marrow Transplant in India

At the age of 18, Cara from Austria was diagnosed with Lymphoma disease, due to her illness doctors told her that she will be able to survive only a few months, but BMT has saved her life. Actually, in 2018 Cara’s doctor told her that she was suffering from the last stage of lymphoma disease and the treatment was successful at that time. But as in 2019 she again started feeling pain in her right side of head. When MRI was performed it was found out that it is a blemish in the head, for which she was given steroids. After that doctors got to know that it was a lymphoma and radiation therapy was performed for recovery. It did not benefit them and doctors told her that she would be alive for 2-3 months.  In the meantime, it coasted her and family a lot for her treatment so Cara decided to find another alternative she started surfing through web.

“She recognizes that her aunt had been in India for her nursing and Cara’s family decided to take advice from her, as her aunt knew about Cara’s condition she suggested her to have her treatment in India as they cost less. Cara even found the best hospitals and surgeons in India from which she could have her treatment. Cara and her family interacted with hospitals in India and decided to grab the advantage of international packages that would cost lesser than the actual cost.”

Lymphoma is a cancer that begins in infection-fighting cells of the immune system. Lymphoma is treatable and treatment can vary according to the type and stage of the illness. It affects people with a weak immune system or if you were born with the immune disease. Many of the symptoms can be warning signs of cancer such as shortness of breath, swollen glands, itching, fatigue, and weight loss.

In February Cara with her family got to India and treatment was done on the day it was decided. Cara was not physically healthy and she was at her last stage of lymphoma, she had a high fever and listless. Doctors in India immediately initiated a treated regimen with chemotherapy agents. The chemotherapy seemed to be helping her and treatment was successfully performed.

“Cara’s returned home and felt much better. The good news was that a search for an anonymous bone marrow transplant has produced what looked like a near-perfect match. After all of the tragedies in Cara’s life, she finally caught a miraculous break. We are so grateful to the doctor’s team and hospital for saving our daughter’s life.  India is a good place that had helped our child with the cost rates that we could not think of and was affordable for us.”, says Cara’s father.

The doctor said” When Cara came to us, she was in the last stage of Lymphoma and her disease was spread throughout her body. Due to these reasons, doctors told her that she won’t be able to survive for more than 2-3 months. When she came to us she was suffering from a terminal disease, depression and steroids made her obsessed with obesity. First of all, we motivated her for bone marrow transplant treatment in India and made her believe that the treatment will be successful. We did her chemotherapy before BMT. It’s been months ­now she is not only cancer-free but is living a normal and wonderful life.”

Lymphoma, leukemia, myeloma and myelodysplastic syndromes are each different types of cancer.  India is the world’s largest voluntary health agency dedicated to blood cancer and improves the quality of life of patients and their families. That’s why it’s essential to have the right diagnosis before you continue with treatment. You may need a second opinion after receiving a diagnosis and before continuing treatment. If you have already caught up with the disease and you are looking for better results as the expected outcomes vary then you can consult India for your surgery with top hospitals and surgeons.

Get the opinion of best doctors from top hospitals in India for early detection and treatment at low cost

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A Kidney Transplant Journey of Beatrice Gagnon in India- A Story of Hope

A Kidney Transplant Journey of Beatrice Gagnon in India- A Story of Hope

Halfway across the world, Beatrice Gagnon was in need of kidney in the worst way. Since receiving a prognosis of diabetes-associated renal disorder in her mid-40s, she had endured the burning and bloating and dismal tedium of dialysis for nearly a year. With no person in her family circle was able to provide her a kidney, her doctors had warned that it would take five years to move go on top of the waiting list for an organ from a deceased donor.

After being on the transplant waiting listing for 3 and half of years, I was blessed to receive of a kidney transplant in India, through India organ transplant specializes in organizing medical treatment & tours in India. Positioned among the world-class medical treatments providers on the global platform, India organ transplant is enabled to have drawn its image as a forefront amid its global clients. With the company help when I arrived at hospital in India, I was in end stage renal failure.

When Beatrice Gagnon arrived to India for her kidney transplant surgery, she was in a very critical stage, till now a dialysis machine performed the role for her kidney, group of professionals determined a kidney transplant would restore a higher quality of health and life. Kidney performs a totally crucial function —doing away with excess water and waste from her blood, removing toxic waste and water into urine and returning cleansed blood for used at some point of her body—was no longer functioning. She arrived at Indian hospital through India organ transplant with her parents, and her husband. Her new kidney, from a living donor, was on a plane, flying in from another city in India. The following is a complete detail of Beatrice’s kidney transplant surgery in India.

Success story of kidney transplantation in India

  1. When the plane caring the donor kidney neared the airport, on the other hand Beatrice was taken to pre-operative room, where nurse and anesthesiologists sedated her and took her to the operating room by the hospital team and they were constantly kept family informed.
  2. In the world of advanced technology GPS played a vital role here by making its way across the country, the donor kidney arrived and its was getting unpacked in the operating room. But before it arrived, the best kidney transplant surgeon in India associated with India organ transplant removed the kidney from donor was discussed with the family, any anomalies that could affect transplantation and other relevant information. Differences of this kind are not unusual.
  3. When Beatrice arrived in operating room, her doctors had prepared stomach cavity is prepared to receive the donated kidney. Unless the failed kidneys are causing high blood pressure, they are left in place. The kidney was located in the place created in the abdominal cavity.
  4. The donor kidney was removed and prepared for transplantation, the preparation process is called benching the kidney, and this process ensures the organ remains healthy till the moment place in the recipient.
  5. As kidney can’t survive for more than 10 min from removed from the body it is stored in a cool slush of ice. In this case the donor kidney had two arteries, one of which was situated in an unusual position. The surgeon with his team started to connect the organ veins and arteries to the Beatrice’s blood vessels and the ureter to her bladder. Once connected to a functioning kidney, the bladder begins to stretch until it’s able to function normally as it has to, which happens gradually.
  6. The surgeon made sure that Beatrice new kidney was functioning properly, after confirming the last sutures were made and the kidney transplant procedure was complete.

Beatrice was at hospital for around 6 days after transplantation. Once discharged from the hospital a close observation was kept on the urine output, because in some cases blood is drawn to monitor the function of new kidney. To make sure against rejection, regular medication was taken by the patient to suppress her immune system. Now Beatrice is enjoying her new life with husband and family, and she is free of dialysis.

If anyone looking for organ transplant in India please Mail us at Email id: or Call us:+919765025331